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Friday, January 21, 2011

Intro Post 1 of 4 - Just who is this chick anyway?

Hi. My name is Jenni and like most American women, I have a weight problem.

(Hi Jenni)

 Now when I say "Weight problem" I don't just mean that they're overweight, obese or need to lose weight.  We are a country, a society, obsessed with a number on the scale.

This is not always a healthy thing.  I have a problem with equating my self worth to the number in that the smaller the number is, the more worth I have as a person.  I also am obese.

At 8pm on Friday January 7th I weighed myself.  399 pounds.  I wanted to die.

This morning I weighed in two weeks later at 385.

I'm trying to diet.  I will get into more on that in another post.  I really cannot exercise right now.  I'll get into that more in another post.

I turned 30 years old on Jan 14th.  I'm married for the second time to a man I love dearly and who doesn't have a weight problem.  I have no kids.  I'm childfree.  This does not mean that I hate children or that I even dislike moms.  Moms are free to read here and I don't trash families here.  I just state this because my weight isn't related to pregnancy.  I have never been pregnant and wish to NEVER be so.

That said, my "baby" of sorts is a 17 month old black Labrador Retriever named Ranger.

This was taken about a year ago.  Isn't he just adorable?

I work part-time at a desk job.  I work part time becuase I've been going to school until recently.  I received an A.A.S in Digital Media from Parkland College in 2009 and started a B.S. in Web Development with Franklin University.  Sadly, my health hasn't allowed me to keep pace with an online-only learning environment so I'm currently trying to get into a different school. 

This process has been stressful, but I'm still trying.

I have a number of health issues that I deal with on a daily basis.  Among them are:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • PTSD with Adjustment Disorder
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hypertension
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Acid Reflux
I'm not talking about these to get sympathy, or advice or anything like that.  Just stating them because they do effect my life and this whole stupid diet thing.

Aside from all that, I'm a geek.  I love computers and the interwebs.  I love video games, movies, Weird Al Yankovic music, and playing games on Facebook.

I've been heavy all my life and I fear I will never get to a "normal" weight.

More to come in Part 2.

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