And not the computer kind. Those are easier to deal with.
I woke up this morning feeling like death warmed over. I think I'm coming down with a flu-like virus. This happens to me probably once every couple of months.
And of course since I work part time, I have no sick days. I can't just stay home and try to get over it. I still need to get myself showered, dressed and to work. Then I need to work for 5 hours. Then I need to come home and try not to crash again like I did yesterday.
I wonder if my extreme hunger and over-eating was a sign of this coming. I've heard that if you're sick, your body demands extra food to deal with the illness. Or maybe I'm just a weak person. Who knows? All I know is I stepped on the scale this morning and I'd gained a pound and a half. UGH.
I hate this. I hate feeling like a failure. I hate the fact that despite my best efforts I always end up feeling like a slave to the regimen but without the regimen, nothing changes except my weight going up.
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