(Hi Jenni)
Now when I say "Weight problem" I don't just mean that they're overweight, obese or need to lose weight. We are a country, a society, obsessed with a number on the scale.
This is not always a healthy thing. I have a problem with equating my self worth to the number in that the smaller the number is, the more worth I have as a person. I also am obese.
At 8pm on Friday January 7th I weighed myself. 399 pounds. I wanted to die.
This morning I weighed in two weeks later at 385.
I'm trying to diet. I will get into more on that in another post. I really cannot exercise right now. I'll get into that more in another post.
I turned 30 years old on Jan 14th. I'm married for the second time to a man I love dearly and who doesn't have a weight problem. I have no kids. I'm childfree. This does not mean that I hate children or that I even dislike moms. Moms are free to read here and I don't trash families here. I just state this because my weight isn't related to pregnancy. I have never been pregnant and wish to NEVER be so.
That said, my "baby" of sorts is a 17 month old black Labrador Retriever named Ranger.
This was taken about a year ago. Isn't he just adorable?
I work part-time at a desk job. I work part time becuase I've been going to school until recently. I received an A.A.S in Digital Media from Parkland College in 2009 and started a B.S. in Web Development with Franklin University. Sadly, my health hasn't allowed me to keep pace with an online-only learning environment so I'm currently trying to get into a different school.
This process has been stressful, but I'm still trying.
I have a number of health issues that I deal with on a daily basis. Among them are:
- Osteoarthritis
- PTSD with Adjustment Disorder
- Fibromyalgia
- Hypertension
- Sleep Apnea
- Acid Reflux
Aside from all that, I'm a geek. I love computers and the interwebs. I love video games, movies, Weird Al Yankovic music, and playing games on Facebook.
I've been heavy all my life and I fear I will never get to a "normal" weight.
More to come in Part 2.
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